Supporting Corporate Angel Network (CAN)

Help Cancer Patients Fly FREE

Thank you so much for considering donating to our supported charity, the Corporate Angel Network (CAN). CAN helps cancer patients access the best treatment centers by arranging free travel on corporate aircrafts.


Donating to CAN is simple, fast, and secure. Simply click on the button below, which will take you to their website.
But please read the following instructions before doing so.

VERY IMPORTANT: Before you click Submit on the CAN donation webpage, PLEASE make sure to enter the code “WF24” in the ‘Additional Comments’ field right above the Submit button (see image). This will allow us to report the total amount donated during the course of this event to the global WorldFlight organization. No other information will be shared with Flight Path Simulation, only the total amount, so you can rest assured that your donation will remain anonymous if desired.

Donate to Corporate Angel Network

Don’t forget to enter code “WF24” in the Additional Comments field!

Our Generous Donors

THAK YOU so much to all our generous donors for supporting the Corporate Angle Network and helping cancer patients receive the specialized care they need. Your donation, small or big, is making a difference!

More Information About CAN

Corporate Angel Network

Corporate Angel Network (CAN) is a US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to help cancer patients access the best treatment centers by arranging free travel on corporate aircrafts. Business jet travel makes it possible for patients, especially those in locations with minimal airline access, to travel to specialized medical centers. Whether a patient is traveling for surgery, clinical trial, or a second opinion, CAN aims to reduce a patient’s physical, emotional and financial stress by providing a seat on a corporate flight.

Participation is open to all cancer patients, as well as bone marrow and stem cell donors and recipients, who are ambulatory and do not require medical assistance while traveling. Eligibility is not based on financial need, and patients may travel as often as necessary.

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